Tina DeCola

About Our Instructor

Tina DeCola is a Communications Supervisor at the Combined Communication Center and Las Vegas Fire and Rescue. She brings 18 years of experience to this award-winning center, which covers fire and medical dispatching for the majority of Clark County in Southern Nevada. Home to over 2 million residents and a major hub for human trafficking.

After taking a call from a victim that escaped her trafficker 3 years ago, Tina felt compelled to get involved. She currently serves on the Southern Nevada Human Trafficking Steering
Committee. She has worked with local law enforcement as well as many other agencies, to create training not only for dispatcher’s but for fire and EMS staff as well. She has also written the Standard Operating Procedure for department to follow.

Tina continues to work with many agencies and not for profit organizations to not only continue her education on this incredibly horrific issue but to keep as a list of resources for recovered victims.

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18 May
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